Statement on the Death of George Floyd

We are committed to the equality and dignity of all people. Scripture speaks clearly of the uniqueness of humans in God’s creation and how he has imprinted his very image on each and every person. From the beginning of life to the end, male and female, all ethnicities and colors—all are beings that God values and loves and each has dignity, worth, purpose and significance.

Therefore, we grieve the passing of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 along with his family, friends, and many others.

While we grieve, we understand that in the hearts of many of our fellow citizens of color incidents like these connect to a long history of unequal justice and oppression going back over 400 years. We lament with them the American story that includes slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, and many other racially motivated atrocities. Throughout the law, the prophets, and the gospels the Bible condemns murder, racial superiority, and the misuse of authority and force. God’s people are called to protect the vulnerable, love others, care for them in their needs, and labor for the wellbeing of our neighbors. For much of our American history many Christians have failed to heed these Scriptural mandates, especially toward our black and brown neighbors.

Therefore, we further grieve with our minority brothers and sisters and greatly desire to see any example of the misuse of authority or force, and any inequitable distribution of justice, come to an end.

We are thankful to God for the many law enforcement officers who tirelessly give their lives to this noble pursuit of upholding equitable justice, and we grieve that there are those even within law enforcement who bring harm on those they are called to protect. We pray that our local, state, and national leaders will listen to the calls to seek justice and act quickly and diligently to ensure any situation of inequity is brought to an end.

We pray God works in this moment to reconcile the world to one another and the world to himself, “for he himself is our peace.”

The Table Rock Elders


Christian Conscience and Preference


Easter: Joy in Jesus!