At Home Worship & Study | 1 John 2:12–15
Text: 1 John 2:12–15 ESV
For the week of 06/28/2020
Join us this week in worshipping from home or virtually with friends, and studying through 1 John 2:12–15. Below is a worship and study guide to help you. We miss everyone and look forward to the day we can all worship together again in person as the body of Christ.
Home Worship (YouTube Videos)
A Christians Daily Prayer
Before the Throne Above
Upon Him
Prayer of Confession: Confess to God that we often don’t believe that our salvation in Jesus Christ alone is sufficient and we fail to walk in the ways that he has asked us to walk.
Home Study
Closing Home Worship (YouTube Video)
Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me
Benediction (From Your Pastors)
See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.
(1 John 3:1 ESV)
One YouTube Playlist for this weekend.
Do want all these videos in one YouTube playlist so you don’t have to navigate between videos? Click here to view the entire weekend’s playlist in order!