Spreading (God's People)
Text: Matthew 28:16–20 and Revelation 5:9–10 ESV
Join us on Sunday, July 26 to hear Luke Miller teaching on Spreading (God’s People). He will be talking about God’s call on us to spread to “all nations” and how we are called to have the heart of Christ to see all people as image bearers of God, some of whom (from every people group) will one day worship around the throne of God with us. We hope you can join us!
Order of Service
Opening Worship
(3:30 PM live, at home/watch parties prior to service)
Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
All Creatures of Our God and King
Praise To The Lord The Almighty
Sermon Video
Closing Worship
If you would like a compiled playlist of the entire worship set, you can view it here.
If you have trouble accessing the video, you can view it on Youtube.