Hope in the Cross
1 Corinthians 2:1–5. Ryan Eagy looked at Paul’s hope in Christ and him crucified as his reorienting truth for the Corinthians in the midst of their concerns (suffering, disagreements, discord, etc.).
How the Resurrection Helps Us Kill Sin
1 Corinthians 15:50–58. Don Straka looked at how the resurrection of Jesus helps us to live our lives differently and to fight and kill sin, in preparation for our own resurrection at the last trumpet.
The Sacraments
Join us at 4PM on Sunday, August 23 to hear Andrew Knight teaching on The Sacraments from Matthew 28:16–20.
Spiritual Gifts
1 Corinthians 12:1–11. Today’s sermon is a more focused look at the spiritual gifts. We will see that first, the Holy Spirit is the Gift from God. Second, Spiritual Gifts are Unique Expressions through Unique People. Third, Expressions of the spiritual gifts give Glory to God and grace to us. Fourth, we should Pursue all of these expressions!