A Summer to Sip or Soak
One of the ways Table Rock would like to encourage us to dwell richly in God’s Word is by being well-read. Of all the BIble intake ways, reading God’s Word is embedded in them all. Reading is required to meditate on God’s Word, pray on God’s Word, memorize God’s Word, study God’s Word, and apply God’s Word. Reading is the one constant when it comes to receiving God’s special revelation. So, we want to invite you into our Summer ‘Sip and Soak’ reading plan through the New Testament.
The Resurrection Changes Everything
The resurrection of Jesus changes everything. Here’s how.
Don't Wait Until Easter
Easter is a glorious celebration of our Savior! In the joy, the singing, the big meals, the fellowship we cherish, the celebrating what Jesus has done for us, we must also reckon with our sin and failure. Easter is most beautiful when we realize our part in it.
An Empty Tomb (Easter in View)
A little more than 2,000 years ago, a man named Jesus walked the earth and changed everything. Jesus lived and walked the earth as a man, but being fully God, he defeated death. And, in Christ, we have the promise that we, too, will one day rise again. What incredible hope is found in this for we who believe that Jesus is Lord. Jesus’ empty tomb is worthy of great celebration, which is why Easter is an especially sweet season for us. Easter this year is the first Sunday in April. May we each look forward with eager anticipation at what God will do in us as we prepare for Easter, where we get to celebrate our risen King!
Mercy Out of Darkness
As Christians, we have the great and sure promise that Jesus has taken the wrath we deserved, but we still have a Bible full of warnings and descriptions of wrath (like the ones found in Zephaniah). Why?
Wrought in Wisdom and Wonder
Wrought—why would we use that word? When you look up the word in the dictionary, it says the word is “archaic”. I take that to mean it is really old. Yet, we still see it used at times today. We have wrought-iron fences. When we talk about most any metal work, we say it is being “wrought,” not worked. And if you still have an old King James bible, you will find it used in 98 verses!
A Light-Filled Fall
Let’s remember this fall that, in Christ, we provide a wonderful light, and let us endeavor to shine our light brightly for the Lord.
Put Your Prayers on Repeat
Don’t lose heart in what you are praying for. God doesn’t mind broken-record prayers. Rather, he’s inclined to answer them.