TR Priority: Bible
John 6:35, 41, 48, 51: Luke begins our series on the I AM statements in John’s Gospel.
The Dead Alive by Grace: Mercy Interrupting
Ephesians 2:4–7. When we consider all the gospel has done, we conclude this gospel has very few limits! I want to spend this morning not restraining this gospel, but releasing it. As believers we are bankrupt by Ephesians 2:1–3, but we are blessed beyond belief by Ephesians 2:4. The bad news, the bleak news, the sobering news of verses 1–3 is the backdrop for the beautiful beyond belief news of verse 4.
Disciples are Discipled and Disciples Disciple
Luke 5:1–11. Jesus embodies and exemplifies purposeful, personal, relational, and intentional redemptive strategy. He was a recruiter of sorts. He was recruiting men and women from their old lives, their old ways, their old jobs and occupations, and old purposes to a new way, life, purpose, and identity. This world-wide strategy was kicked off with two words: “Follow Me.” What was Jesus up to? Who was he about? Simply and clearly, Jesus was about disciples! Jesus started discipling the unregenerate; he discipled men and women to faith, so they could be discipled for evangelism. So, we take our cues from Him and when we do, He promises to do something in us. When disciples are discipled in following Jesus, they will inevitably disciple others.
Wrestling with Suffering: Suffering, Sin, and the Smile of God
Job 9:33. Suffering, like none other, can make us question, doubt, and distrust the very character of God. We often wonder whether God is punishing or somehow paying us back for something we have done or not done. We fear he might be angry and that his smile has been replaced by a scowl. The Bible tells us that God is pleased with us in Jesus Christ. In Job’s own suffering season, we see him alluding to and even appealing for such an arbiter who might be the go between on his behalf between him and God. He appeals and even says, “There is no arbiter between us, who might lay his hand on us both.” Here we see a clear reference to the coming mediation and arbitration that God has for all of his children who trust in His Son. May we have hope and assurance that if we are in God’s son, Jesus Christ, we have his smiling and soothing look upon us! It is unchanging and constant.