The Priest King
Psalm 110. As we’ll see in Psalm 110, Yahweh is calling us to behold the priest-king! Because in him we find the answer to our questions and the resolution to the theological tension of justice and mercy. He shows us how Yahweh can be both just and forgiving at the same time. Prepare to behold your priest-king!
The Sovereignty of Our God
Psalm 113. As we come to Psalm 113 this morning, we are challenged to praise that which really matters. Of course, we would all say, who doesn’t want to praise what is most important! Yet, so often, our lives reveal that we don’t do this.
Our Hope, Our Help, Our Salvation
Psalm 146. This psalm is the beginning of what are called the Hallelujah Psalms. This song points us to one, of many reasons, we should join in endless praise to our God. This psalm sings forth that our hope, our help, and our salvation does not come from man, but from God.
The Lord is Our Keeper
Psalm 121. Undoubtedly everyone needs help in one way, shape, or form. When you find yourself in need, look first to God and preach to your heart and soul the amazing wonders of the God who keeps your salvation in Jesus Christ! Preach it to your friends in need! Preach it to a world longing to know that they have hope in their suffering and trials.
God Is Merciful and Gracious
Psalm 103. Well, like it or not, we are in a war. Satan will attack you today. And the front line battle almost always is our mind. This has been his tactic from the beginning. Our memory is quite forgetful. We forget who God is—whether he is good, kind, or even real. This psalm is a perfect opportunity to sharpen our swords for this battle. David is going to walk us through who God is as he demonstrates how to fight against the enemy in his mind.
God Is Our Refuge
Psalm 62. This psalm is not about any kind of hope that we could find here on earth. It’s about having hope amid the worst of trials here. It’s about the hope that we have when everything is going wrong and is only getting worse. This Psalm sings out the truth that God alone is our refuge because in him only do we find hope. Why? Because he gets the final word.
Introduction to the Psalms
Psalm 1, Psalm 2, and Psalm 150. My goal this morning is to help give us all a broad context for the Psalms as we enter into this series. As we look at the character of God, we will see three things this morning:
The Psalms are all about knowing the person of God and how wonderful he is!
Knowing God’s character means knowing God’s plan.
God’s plan has always included his Messiah.