Thematic Andrew Knight Thematic Andrew Knight

More Than We Could Ask or Imagine

Luke 23:32–24:12. What I want us to consider this morning as we read and reflect over the one who does more than we ask or imagine—especially of the ONE who does more than we ask or imagine during Easter week—that the same power at work at Easter time over 2,000 years ago has NOT been lost, but is alive and at work in you, and in me, and in this church!!

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Table Rock Priorities, Andrew Knight Andrew Knight Table Rock Priorities, Andrew Knight Andrew Knight

Disciples are Discipled and Disciples Disciple

Luke 5:1–11. Jesus embodies and exemplifies purposeful, personal, relational, and intentional redemptive strategy. He was a recruiter of sorts. He was recruiting men and women from their old lives, their old ways, their old jobs and occupations, and old purposes to a new way, life, purpose, and identity. This world-wide strategy was kicked off with two words: “Follow Me.”  What was Jesus up to? Who was he about? Simply and clearly, Jesus was about disciples! Jesus started discipling the unregenerate; he discipled men and women to faith, so they could be discipled for evangelism. So, we take our cues from Him and when we do, He promises to do something in us. When disciples are discipled in following Jesus, they will inevitably disciple others.

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Luke Sermon Series, Don Straka Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series, Don Straka Andrew Knight

Dependent on Grace

Luke 17:1–10, 11–19. As we have been preaching through Luke, we have talked a lot about who Jesus is, and we have said that Jesus is the Son of God who came in power and authority to empower his people through the cross. Today, we're going to see what it means to be a follower of this man, to follow the Son of God. We are going to see, as followers of Jesus, we are dependent on grace.

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Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight

Jesus’ Identity: The Son of God, Through the Cross

Luke 9:18–27. We’ve been asking the question in our Luke series, “Who is this Jesus?” And we’ve found that Jesus is the Son of God come in authority and power to save his people through the cross. This section of Luke 9 is soaked in expectations of who Jesus is. Jesus, however, centers his mission on the cross, but he also centers the lives and expectations of all his disciples forever on the cross as well.

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Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight

Jesus' Identity: Sending of the 12 and Feeding the 5,000

Luke 9:1–17. We’ve been exploring the question, “Who is this Jesus?” And we’ve seen that Jesus is the Son of God come in authority and power to save and empower his people through the cross. And as Christians, we are left with the charge: “Return to your home and declare how much God has done for you.” (Luke 8:39) What we see today is that Jesus unpacks how we are to do that: in his power in utter dependence! He has empowered us to take this message forth to the entire world.

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Luke Sermon Series, Don Straka Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series, Don Straka Andrew Knight

The Parables of Jesus

Luke 16:1–15. In this passage, we are covering one of the more complicated parables of Jesus. Listen to some of the titles we've given to this parable: “the dishonest manager”, “the unjust steward,'' even “the unrighteous servant”. Just in light of those titles, we've got to wonder what Jesus is going to commend from this parable. As we get to verse 9, we will see that Jesus zeros in on one of his applications—“Make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth.” We will see from this text that we can serve God with our money, but we can’t serve God and money. We can use our money for godly, eternal goals, but we cannot love God and money. And loving God will satisfy, while money will leave us empty.

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Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight

The Parables of Jesus

Luke 15:1–32. Jesus tells the Pharisees and the scribes three parables, all about the sinners and those who are lost. The three truth’s that Jesus shares are meant to shape the way we think about the lost sinners we know. And they beg the question: Are you seeking the lost that you might rejoice with God?

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Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight

The Parables of Jesus

Luke 13:18–30 and Luke 14:25–35. Even when it may not look like it, Jesus is building and expanding his Kingdom with his disciples. Jesus is building a Kingdom of disciples, and we should strive to enter through relationship with Jesus! Jesus’s disciples are to count the cost to enter his Kingdom—it will be everything. A disciple can be useless and of no value to the Kingdom. Let us delight that we have been called as disciples into the Kingdom of Jesus! Let us come to him thankful that we have a role to play in this magnificent plan of God’s as a disciple creating disciples.

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Luke Sermon Series, Don Straka Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series, Don Straka Andrew Knight

Test and Prove

Luke 5:1–16. Today, we're looking at two miracles; miracles that show a pattern we see throughout the Gospel of Luke—Jesus constantly declares who he is by what he says and what he does. And that revelation demands a response. They all force this question on us: Who is Jesus? Who is this Jesus? When we answer that question, it is going to have implications. If Jesus is who he says he is, the very Son of God, then he deserves the response that Simon gave him: “I’m leaving everything and following Jesus.” 

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Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight

Advent: The King is Coming

Luke 2:1–21. This text is a tale of two kings. Both are mighty. Both are powerful. Yet they express this power in very different ways. One in pomp and circumstance for worldly accolades. The other, through humility, bringing a message of hope and salvation for all people. And you and I have a choice—which type of king will we look to for our own hope and salvation?

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Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight

Advent: Pointing to Jesus, the Hope of All of History

Luke 1:57–80. This is the third sermon in our four-part Advent series. As we’ve said before, our hope during this Advent season is that God would help our hearts to grow in celebration and longing for the coming of the King—greater celebration of his first coming and greater longing for his second coming. For this sermon, we will look at the birth of John the Baptist and his earthly ministry, apply it to our own lives, and then we will look at Zechariah’s prophetic song and apply that in a similar way as we reflect on what is so great about Jesus that makes spending our whole lives pointing to him totally worthwhile.

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Luke Sermon Series, Don Straka Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series, Don Straka Andrew Knight

Advent: A Mighty God

Luke 1:39–56. Today, we get to look and see that Mary believed the promise of the Lord. What we're going to see is that the Mighty One, God, exercises his mercy on the humble who fear him, and we are to trust him and his plan just like Mary did. First, we're going to see who our God is and Mary’s faith through Elizabeth's eyes, and then we're going to see it in Mary's own song. 

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Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight Luke Sermon Series Andrew Knight

Advent & The Gospel of Luke

Luke 1:26–38. Luke, the writer of the Gospel of Luke does something no other writer of a gospel does—He juxtaposes the promises of Jesus’ birth with the promise of the birth of John the Baptist. He records John’s backstory in as much detail as he does Jesus’s birth and the events leading up to it. As we look at the birth of our Savior and compare it to what God was doing in John the Baptist’s narrative, we will see the same amazing picture that Luke wants us to see as well—that our God is working and our God is coming!

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