The Mission, The Call, The Work
Matthew 4:12–25. Ryan Eagy took us through Matthew 4:12–25 as we saw, “The Mission, The Call, The Work.”
Seek Refuge in the Lord
Zephaniah 2:1–15. Don Straka continues our look at Zephaniah as we see how we are safe and satisfied with our God.
The Savior's Serious Response to Sin
Zephaniah 1:1–18. Don Straka preached on “The Savior’s Serious Response to Sin” to kick off our look at the book of Zephaniah. We are weaving the books of Matthew, Proverbs, and Zephaniah together this winter and spring season. As we look at Zephaniah, our focus is on how we are safe and satisfied with our God.
The Temptation of Jesus
Matthew 4:1–11. Ryan Eagy looked at the temptation of Jesus from Matthew 4.
This Is My Son
Matthew 3:1–17. Ryan Eagy is bringing us back to the book of Matthew as we look to See and Savor our Savior afresh this winter.
The Posture and Pursuit of the Wise
Proverbs 3:7. Andrew Knight continued a look at the book of Proverbs from Proverbs 3:7, “The Posture and Pursuit of the Wise.”
The Fear of the Lord
Proverbs 1:1–7. Luke Miller kicked off a look at the book of Proverbs focused on “The Fear of the Lord”. The fear of the Lord is a common phrase throughout the book of Proverbs, but to get the most from this verse, we must also dig into the “beginning of knowledge” in order to really understand the importance of the fear of the Lord and categorize it correctly in our minds.
Joy in Jesus
Matthew 1:18–25. Ryan Eagy concluded our Advent series, “Christmas: Wrought in Wisdom and Wonder” with our special Christmas service. He shared about our “Joy in Jesus” as we look to the birth of our great Savior.
Flickering Hope
Matthew 2:13–23. As we approach Christmas, we have been looking at the theme, “Christmas: Wrought in Wisdom and Wonder”. On this third Sunday of Advent, Ryan Eagy shared about our “Flickering Hope”.
Sacrifice and Selfishness
Matthew 2:1–12. On this second Sunday of Advent, Don Straka shared with us on “Sacrifice and Selfishness” as we continue our Advent series, “Christmas: Wrought in Wisdom and Wonder”.
Long Promised and Firmly Held
Matthew 1:1–17. Ryan Eagy kicked off the first Sunday of Advent with “Long Promised and Firmly Held” from our Advent series, “Christmas: Wrought in Wisdom and Wonder”.
Consequences of Sin
Genesis 3:14–24. From the outset, as we engage our last sermon before Advent, I want us to feel two things and come away knowing one thing: the weight of the curse. Its heaviness should sober us and shoot us straight to “come, Lord Jesus, come.” We can be free from it ultimately because God does not relate to us on the basis of the curse but rather on Christ (not slavery, but Sonship). So, “the crush of the curse” is my theme, and let’s look at how the God of the Garden is both a cursing and cursed God and how that is good news for us.
God and Man After the Fall
Genesis 3:8-13. This week Don Straka looked at God and Man In Sin from Genesis 3.
Sin and Temptation
Genesis 3:1–7. Don Straka continued our Genesis series with a look at sin and temptation in Genesis 3. We see that when Adam and Eve stopped believing that God is God, and started believing they could be God by deciding what is right and wrong, we became sinners as sin and death entered the world.
Genesis 2:4–25. As we continue our series through the book of Genesis, Ryan Eagy is looking at Genesis 2 and how God created man and woman as equal and distinct.
The God Who Rests
Genesis 2:1–3. The past two weeks we have looked at the creation story, and today Andrew Knight will look at the 7th Day of Creation when God rests from his work.