The Greatest Commandment, Part 2
Matthew 22:34–40. When we think about Jesus’s call to share our faith, one simple way to think about what that means is to think about the Greatest Commandments: Love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind and love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Last week we looked at what it means to love the Lord with all of our very selves, and today we will see how Jesus bridges from loving God to loving neighbor.
The Greatest Commandment, Part 1
Matthew 22:34–40. If someone asked you, “How would you summarize the Old Testament”, what would you say? In our passage this morning, Jesus both summarizes and frames the content of what God has said in Scripture (the entire Old Testament at that point) as being based on love.
Our Triune God
Join us at 4PM on Sunday, August 30 to hear Ryan Eagy conclude our series on the Great Commission. He will be teaching on the topic, “Our Triune God” from Matthew 28:16–20.
The Sacraments
Join us at 4PM on Sunday, August 23 to hear Andrew Knight teaching on The Sacraments from Matthew 28:16–20.
Spreading (God's Reach)
Join us at 4PM on Sunday, August 16 to hear Luke Miller teaching on Spreading (God’s Reach) from Matthew 28:16–20.
To The End of the Age
Join us at 4PM on Sunday, August 9 to hear Don Straka teaching on the end times from Jesus’ promise to us that he will be with us to the end of the age from Matthew 28:16–20.
Join us at 4PM on Sunday, August 2 to hear Don Straka teaching on Prayer as we continue our series on the Great Commission from Matthew 28:16–20.
Spreading (God's People)
Join us at 4PM on Sunday, July 26 to hear Luke Miller teaching on Spreading (God’s People) as we continue our series on the Great Commission from Matthew 28:16–20.
Join us at 4PM on Sunday, July 19 as we dig into our series on Matthew 28:16–20. Andrew Knight will be teaching on the topic of discipleship in light of the Great Commission.
The Supremacy of Jesus Christ
Join us at 4PM on Sunday, July 12 as we begin our series on Matthew 28:16–20. We will begin our series by looking at the Supremacy of Jesus Christ as his basis for giving us the Great Commission.
At Home Worship & Study | 1 John 2:7–4:21
1 John 4:7–27. As we continue through the book of first John, we behold love.
At Home Worship & Study | 1 John 2:12–15
1 John 2:7–4:6. As we continue our series through the book of 1 John, we will see a call to love and it’s path.
Joy and Assurance in Jesus Our Savior
First John 1:1–2:6. John leaves no room for doubt in the opening of his letter. We can know with confidence that God has saved us. Joy and assurance belong to those who have confessed their sins to God and received the forgiveness he offers through his Son.
Stand Firm in the Real Battle
Ephesians 6:10–24. Your very identity in Jesus Christ is your answer to fighting well against Satan. Know the truth of what God has done in Jesus, know where your righteousness comes from, find joy in the gospel of peace and spreading it near and far, find your faith deflecting any challenge Satan may throw your way,
At Home Worship & Study | Ephesians 6:5–9
Join us this week in worshipping from home or virtually with friends, and studying through Ephesians 6:5–9. Below is a worship and study guide to help you. We miss everyone and look forward to the day we can all worship together again in person as the body of Christ.
At Home Worship & Study | Ephesians 6:1–4
Join us this week in worshipping from home or virtually with friends, and studying through Ephesians 6:1–4. Below is a worship and study guide to help you. We miss everyone and look forward to the day we can all worship together again in person as the body of Christ.
At Home Worship & Study | Ephesians 5:22–33
Join us this week in worshipping from home or virtually with friends, and studying through Ephesians 5:22–33. Below is a worship and study guide to help you. We miss everyone and look forward to the day we can all worship together again in person as the body of Christ.
Crisis, Chaldeans, COVID | Drive-In Church
Romans 1:16–17 and Habakkuk 2:4. Whether we are being enticed back to the law, whether we are losing property and imprisoned, whether a hoard is bearing down upon us—faith. Crisis, Chaldeans, or COVID—God continually reminds us that he is saving us through faith alone. Difficulties like COVID are indeed, as one writer put it, a thunderclap from God himself. It shocks us into remembering that this world is temporary and filled with sin and ruin. It is a visible picture of the ugliness of sin run amuck and its affront to God and his ways and order. It is often a shaking of settled Christians out of their ruts and expecting them to grasp ahold of a reality that has always been there, but has been hidden behind comfort and complacency.
At Home Worship & Study | Ephesians 5:15–21
Join us this week in worshipping from home or virtually with friends, and studying through Ephesians 5:15–21. Below is a worship and study guide to help you. We miss everyone and look forward to the day we can all worship together again in person as the body of Christ.
At Home Worship & Study | Ephesians 5:3–14
Join us this week in worshipping from home or virtually with friends, and studying through Ephesians 5:3–14. Below is a worship and study guide to help you. We miss everyone and look forward to the day we can all worship together again in person as the body of Christ.