Warning to the Rich
James 5:1–12 Don Straka expounds on James’s warning to the rich and James’s comfort to those being oppressed.
No Place for Boasting
James 4:13–19 Don Straka explains that we have no cause for boasting before a sovereign God.
Mission’s Week
Matthew 28:18–20; Mark 16:14–20; Luke 24:44–54; John 20:19–23: Andrew Knight and Jacob Shin kick off our Mission’s Week with a sermon on taking the gospel to the nations.
Verbal Quarrels
James 4:1–12 Andrew Knight explains that verbal quarrels are not random. He walks us through what the Bible says about the moments when we are fighting with others.
Wisdom from Above
James 3:3–18 Tristian shows us what James pictures when he calls us to seek wisdom from above.
Tale of Two Tongues
James 3:1–12 Don walks us through the two tongues James presents in chapter 3—a bridled tongue and an unbridled tongue.
Faith Works
James 2:14–26 Don walks us through what it means that faith without works is dead.
Hearers and Doers
James 1:19–27 Don Straka walks us through James’s thesis of being hearers and doers.
Hope in Trails and Temptation
James 1:12–18 Don Straka show us not only the hope we have amid trials, but how we can never blame God for the evil we experience.
Hearers and Doers: Introducing the Book of James
James 1:1–11. Andrew Knight introduces the book of James to us.
What is the Good Life?
Psalm 73. Tim Cain, a guest preacher, called us to set our eyes on the true “good life.”
On Friendship in Proverbs
Proverbs. Luke Miller brought us through multiple proverbs to help us grasp the importance of friendship.
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Matthew 6:9–13. Andrew Knight walked us through the Lord’s Prayer to help us grow in prayer.
On Money in Provebs
Proverbs 11:24–28; 18:10–12. Luke Miller brought up back to Proverbs to look at what some proverbs have to say about money.
Perfect Plan with Imperfect People
Acts 15:35–41. God is never caught of guard. He makes perfect plans even when imperfect people are always in the middle of them.
God’s Endgame
Revelation 21:1–8. We had the honor of hearing from Dr. John Jambura again this week. This time he spoke on God’s final plan to renew all things.
A Lasting Hope
1 Peter 4:19. Don Straka finishes our summer series on 1 Peter my looking at this central verse.
A Life of Submission
1 Peter 2:4–12. Don Straka continued our 1 Peter series by looking at what it means that we are a living stone for Christ.
Life with the Landowner
Matthew 20:1–16. Andrew Knight takes us on a deep dive into the parable of the landowner.