Living Stones
1 Peter 2:4–12. Don Straka continued our 1 Peter series by looking at what it means that we are a living stone for Christ.
Ultimate Fatherhood
Psalm 103. We had the honor of hearing from Dr. John Jambura again this week. This time he spoke on ultimate fatherhood.
Love One Another Earnestly
1 Peter 1:22–2:3. Don Straka looked at the next section of 1 Peter with a focus on loving one another earnestly.
The God of Heaven and Hardship
1 Peter 1:1–2. Andrew Knight looked at the first two verses of 1 Peter with a focus on “The God of Heaven and Hardship”.
Paul's Valedictory
2 Timothy 4:1–8. We had the honor of hearing from Dr. John Jambura on the topic of “Paul’s Valedictory” from 2 Timothy 4:1–8.
Hope and Fear in our Pursuit of Holiness
1 Peter 1:13–2:3. Don Straka continued our look at the book of 1 Peter, with a focus on hope in our pursuit of holiness.
Hope in the Cross
1 Corinthians 2:1–5. Ryan Eagy looked at Paul’s hope in Christ and him crucified as his reorienting truth for the Corinthians in the midst of their concerns (suffering, disagreements, discord, etc.).
Living Hope
1 Peter 1:1–12. Don Straka kicked off a series through the book of 1 Peter. One of the main themes we will see is hope, particularly hope in hardship. This week was focused on our “Living Hope”.
Caught By God
John 21:1–14. Andrew Knight looked at John 21 to see three main points—1. Jesus appeared to give you power and peace. 2. Jesus appeared to equip you to feed his sheep. 3. Jesus appeared to make you a fisher of men.
How the Resurrection Helps Us Kill Sin
1 Corinthians 15:50–58. Don Straka looked at how the resurrection of Jesus helps us to live our lives differently and to fight and kill sin, in preparation for our own resurrection at the last trumpet.
Taming the Tongue
Proverbs 5:1–4. Luke Miller brought up back to Proverbs to look at “Taming Our Tongue”.
The God Who Appears
John 20:19-29. At Easter, we see that God does more than we can ask or imagine. And as we come out of Easter, we see that God is the God who appears to his people.
More Than We Could Ask or Imagine
Luke 23:32–24:12. What I want us to consider this morning as we read and reflect over the one who does more than we ask or imagine—especially of the ONE who does more than we ask or imagine during Easter week—that the same power at work at Easter time over 2,000 years ago has NOT been lost, but is alive and at work in you, and in me, and in this church!!
Safety in the Lord
Zephaniah 3:11–20. Don Straka looked at the second half of Zephaniah 3 with a focus on what it looks like to have safety in the lord.
Waiting For and Savoring The Savior
Zephaniah 3:1–10. Don Straka continued our look at the book of Zephaniah in the first part of chapter 3.
Sermon on the Mount: Anger
Matthew 5:21–26. Ryan Eagy looked at the topic of anger as addressed in the Sermon on the Mount.
Sermon on the Mount: You Are
Matthew 5:13–16. Ryan Eagy looked at the beginning portion of the Sermon on the Mount, focused on the “You are…” statements.
The Way of Wisdom
Proverbs 9. Luke Miller continued our look at the book of Proverbs by going through Proverbs 9, “The Way of Wisdom”.
Wisdom's Warning
Proverbs 5. Andrew Knight took us through Proverbs 5 with a look at “Wisdom’s Warning”.
Sermon on the Mount: Blessed
Matthew 5:1–11. Ryan Eagy kicked off a mini series within Matthew looking at the Sermon on the Mount.