Wrestling with Suffering: Suffering, Sin, and the Smile of God
Job 9:33. Suffering, like none other, can make us question, doubt, and distrust the very character of God. We often wonder whether God is punishing or somehow paying us back for something we have done or not done. We fear he might be angry and that his smile has been replaced by a scowl. The Bible tells us that God is pleased with us in Jesus Christ. In Job’s own suffering season, we see him alluding to and even appealing for such an arbiter who might be the go between on his behalf between him and God. He appeals and even says, “There is no arbiter between us, who might lay his hand on us both.” Here we see a clear reference to the coming mediation and arbitration that God has for all of his children who trust in His Son. May we have hope and assurance that if we are in God’s son, Jesus Christ, we have his smiling and soothing look upon us! It is unchanging and constant.
Job: Suffering and Sovereignty
Job 1:1–22; 2:1–10. Suffering. It is impossible to avoid in this life, though many of us will try very hard. It doesn’t matter your ethnicity, age, gender, social or economic status—all people can and often do experience suffering. This morning we start a new series in Job. Job is not necessarily one of the books of the Bible that makes many people’s favorite list, but it makes mine precisely because of its topic—suffering. I don’t have a morbid fascination with suffering, but an awareness that suffering afflicts us all, and we—Christians—we have the best worldview and answer to suffering in our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Sovereignty of Our God
Psalm 113. As we come to Psalm 113 this morning, we are challenged to praise that which really matters. Of course, we would all say, who doesn’t want to praise what is most important! Yet, so often, our lives reveal that we don’t do this.